Under the Autumn Moon (TV Movie 2018)
46K Action Comedy Drama Genre Alex Vella Gera Antonella Axisa Casey Manderson Cherion Drakes Cherissa Richards Chris Galea Darlene M. Lee Dean Redman Edgar Lyall Erica Muscat Erik Athavale Garrett Smith Gary Yates Gianni Selvaggi Jenny Pudavick Joe Azzopardi Joseph Zammit Lindy Booth Martin Bonnici Matthew Maggi Morgan Holmstrom Natalie Lisinska Nicole Avril Paul Essiembre Paul Portelli Ronald Briffa Shannon Guile Steffi Thake Taryn Mamo Cefai Teodor Reljic Tina Rizzo Tracy Andreen Wes Brown 2018 6.5 English Gary Yates United States
Under the Autumn Moon: Directed by Gary Yates. With Lindy Booth, Wes Brown, Natalie Lisinska, Cherion Drakes. While visiting a dude ranch that is a potential acquisition for the outdoor adventure company she works for, an eager candidate for a big promotion discovers what matters most when she reignites her passion for the great outdoors.
“I really liked this one. The actors played their parts very well. The people who complain about Hallmark movies being the same should maybe stop watching Hallmark movies. I think that most movies have the same formula when it gets down to it. It really depends on if you believe the characters are real. It was good stuff.”