Until Death (2007)
68K Action Crime Drama Genre Adam Leese Adelia-Constance Ocleppo Alana Maria Buffy Davis C. Gerod Harris Christoph Jacobi Dan Harris Daniela Holtz Dimitar Banenkin Fiona O'Shaughnessy Gary Beadle Ivo Kehayov James Portolese Jean-Claude Van Damme Julia Horvath Justine Hirschfeld Katerina Lipovska Katinka Auberger Katrin Gebbe Maggie Eldred Mark Dymond Murathan Muslu Nina Hoss Paul Williams Rachel Grant Rachel O'Meara Ryan Rafferr Samia Muriel Chancrin Sebastian Rudolph Selina Giles Simon Fellows Sophie Pfennigstorf Stephen Lord Stephen Rea Trevor Cooper Wes Robinson William Ash Yana Marinova 2007 6 German Germany Katrin Gebbe
Until Death: Directed by Simon Fellows. With Jean-Claude Van Damme, Selina Giles, Mark Dymond, William Ash. Stowe is a dirty cop who is hooked on heroin, and everyone dislikes him. Because of an accident he is put into a coma, and comes out of it a better person. He wakes up wanting to put things right.
“An absurd? An affirmation of irrationality in XXI century? This film desserves everything science proves. Propaganda of irrationality.”