Dirt (2018)
14K Action Drama Genre Sport Alex Ranarivelo Blake Heron Christina Moore Christopher Kimotek DeRon Horton Devan Long Dominic DeVore Felix Chu Jeremy Kahn John Ducey Kenz Kevin Dillon Kyla J. Coaxum Lexy Panterra Liam Davis Matthew Glave Mikael James Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine Serina Mawer Stacey Hinnen Stephen Jared 2018 6.2 Alex Ranarivelo English Sweden
Dirt: Directed by Alex Ranarivelo. With Kevin Dillon, DeRon Horton, Christina Moore, Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine. In search of a lifeline for his struggling off road racing team, a man takes on a young car thief looking for a second chance, but as their worlds collide, they must struggle to forge a successful alliance.
“I was hoping the producers of this movie would get inspiration from u0026#39;Days of Thunderu0026#39; and take the flick to another level. Well, that didnu0026#39;t happen, and that was a shame and a lost opportunity. But the budget didnu0026#39;t allow them to do much. So, itu0026#39;s just an u0026quot;OKu0026quot; movie and thatu0026#39;s it. Nothing new happens.”