Santa's Boots (TV Movie 2018)
39K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Andrea Brooks Carmen Aguirre Christina Sicoli Denise Jones Elizabeth Weinstein Fiona Vroom Garry Chalk Jacqueline Samuda June Squibb Maddie Phillips Marc-Anthony Massiah Matt Hamilton Megan Hilty Nia Cummins Noah Mills Patricia Isaac Peter Benson Roark Critchlow Ronald Patrick Thompson Shannon Phipps Shawn Tolleson Teryl Rothery 6.3 English Shawn Tolleson United States
Santa’s Boots: Directed by Shawn Tolleson. With Megan Hilty, Noah Mills, Roark Critchlow, Patricia Isaac. Forced to take a vacation from her job in Seattle, Holly returns to her hometown where she reluctantly agrees to become Santa’s new elf at her dad’s local department store.
“So if Nick and Holly are both 35 and they both grew up in the small town, how is it that they never met each other?”