Paranormal Farm 3 Halloween (2019)
49K Genre Horror A.J. McLean Alan Calzatti Backstreet Boys Brian Littrell Carl Medland Caroline Burns Cooke Cora Darren Earl Williams Harvey Smith Howie Dorough James Dixon Keith Rawkins Kevin Scott Richardson Lucy French Mumtaz Yildirimlar Nick Carter Nicole Faraday Robert Gray Sophie Dixon 32019 8.3 Alan Calzatti English United States
Paranormal Farm 3 Halloween: Directed by Carl Medland. With Carl Medland, Darren Earl Williams, Lucy French, Caroline Burns Cooke. Things have gotten a lot more violent at the farm, and Carl must get to the bottom of it to help Lucy and Darren solve the strange re-occurrences. The DVD and Blu-ray extras have not been completed, and a contract needs to be signed to enable distribution of the behind the scenes. Carl has one last chance to prove his gift as a Paranormal Investigator.
“I tried to make it through the first scenes which were horrifyingly stupid. But around 20 minutes in had to shut it off. Complete boredom and the opening was really really bad. Not even sure what they were trying to achieve here.”