Stunde der Angst (2019)
24K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Alistair Banks Griffin Angel Christian Roman Brennan Brown Danny Goldsmith Emory Cohen Glenn Lee Jack Aujad Jahmere Rogers Jazzmin Smith Jennifer Ehle Jeremy Bobb John Palacio Kelvin Harrison Jr. Maritza Veer Michael Fearon Naomi Watts Ohene Cornelius Richard Bird Robert Testut Sean Pilz Tony Barnes 2019 6.7 Alistair Banks Griffin English United States
Stunde der Angst: Directed by Alistair Banks Griffin. With Naomi Watts, Jennifer Ehle, Emory Cohen, Kelvin Harrison Jr.. An unseen tormentor harasses a reclusive author as a citywide blackout triggers fires, looting and escalating violence during the Summer of Sam in New York in 1977.
“I like Naomi Watts but the film just had too many buzzes of the intercom to be enjoyable. Buzz buzz buzz 🐝”