Stella's Last Weekend (2018)
57K Comedy Drama Genre Adam Enright Alex DiMattia Alex Wolff Christopher Halladay Joshua Satine Julia Abueva Julia Macchio Kareem Williams Kelly Swint Leo Heller Lisa Darden Nat Wolff Nick Sandow Norm Golden Patricia Squire Paulina Singer Polly Draper Shawn Allen McLaughlin Simon Maxwell Will Cooper 5.8 English Polly Draper United States
Stella’s Last Weekend: Directed by Polly Draper. With Nat Wolff, Alex Wolff, Paulina Singer, Nick Sandow. STELLA’S LAST WEEKEND is the story of two brothers whose relationship is challenged when they find they are in love with the same girl, but it is also about the unshakable bond between them.
“Hi all, this movie itu0026#39;s the best drama ever I seen long time. ( facts, truth , honesty , funny , Reality ) our life. Plus great young acter with amazing story. Thanks you so much for letting us know our life whatu0026#39;s look like 😘”