School Spirits (2017)
24K Adventure Comedy Fantasy Genre Allison Eckert Alysia Reiner Andy Garrison Audrey Whitby C.J. LeBlanc Caitlin Kleppinger Cathy Barnett Christian Delgrosso Christopher Babers Emma Jackson Josh Levi Julie Shaw Logan Scofield Mark Bloom Mia Hulen Philip Labes Piper Curda Steve Monroe Teala Dunn Terrance Hines Tiffany Alvord Tim Scott Tricia Gilfone Zander Miller 2017 4.7 Allison Eckert English United States
School Spirits: Directed by Allison Eckert. With Tiffany Alvord, Teala Dunn, Piper Curda, Christian Delgrosso. A girl relocates to a small town only to find it inhabited by ghosts. A struggle against a bad spirit ensues to keep the town’s children safe.
“This is a relatively benign movie for the tween kids in your family. The film deals with loss, bullying, and ghosts in a mild fashion. Nothing spectacular here, but it was watchable as an adult.”