Koko wa taikutsu mukae ni kite (2018)
33K Drama Genre Romance Ai Hashimoto Alexis Sweiss Aliah Sweiss Daichi Watanabe Derek Hockenbrough Jun Murakami Kumi Takiuchi Makita Sports Mariko Yamauchi Michael Joyce Mugi Kadowaki Paul Benton Rahul Nath Renata Green-Gaber Ryô Narita Ryuichi Hiroki Shoniqua Shandai Sudi Burnett Tim Railin Tomoya Sakurai Yuki Katayama Yukino Kishii Yurina Yanagi 2018 6.2 English Japan Renata Green-Gaber
Koko wa taikutsu mukae ni kite: Directed by Ryuichi Hiroki. With Ai Hashimoto, Mugi Kadowaki, Yuki Katayama, Yukino Kishii. Two girls dream of the same man. One remained in their hometown, went with Shiina and wants to revisit the happy times with him again. The other moved away, returned to move back in with her parents and establishes contact with Shiina and other friends. It may be that either a rivalry or a triangle is in the offing.