Jungle Beat: Der Film (2020)
45K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Adam Neill Brent Dawes Claire Johnston David Menkin David Rintoul Ed Kear Emma Lungiswa De Wet Florrie Wilkinson Gavin Peter Ina Marie Smith Jason Pennycooke John Guerrasio Lucy Montgomery Luke Pieters Lynton Levengood Matthew Gair Potter Conber Robert G. Slade Ryno Ritter Sam Wilson Toni Andrews 2020 7.8 Brent Dawes English Germany
Jungle Beat: Der Film: Directed by Brent Dawes. With David Menkin, David Rintoul, Gavin Peter, Florrie Wilkinson. A homesick alien crash-lands his spaceship near the colorful African Jungle. His new animal friends need to get him back to his ship and teach him about friendship and fun before his Space-Conqueror father can take over the planet.
“Jungle Beat is the perfect pick for a lighthearted family movie night. Featuring fun characters and an engaging plot for kids, the film has some funny scenes with various safari creatures and hit on good themes (love, kindness, etc). It especially hits on theme of friendship which I thought was well woven in as the characters journeyed across the Jungle to help their newfound friend.”