The Strange Ones (2017)
58K Drama Genre Thriller Alex Pettyfer Allen Fawcett Betsy Holt Birgit Huppuch Christopher Radcliff Cindy Cheung David Sitler Dorothea Elena Gloria Emily Althaus Gene Jones James Freedson-Jackson Lauren Wolkstein Laurent Rejto Marin Ireland Melanie Nicholls-King Olivia Wang Owen Campbell Rock Ryan Sara Kiener Sheila Stasack Tobias Campbell Will Blomker 2017 6.6 Christopher Radcliff English United States
The Strange Ones: Directed by Christopher Radcliff, Lauren Wolkstein. With Alex Pettyfer, James Freedson-Jackson, Emily Althaus, Gene Jones. Mysterious events surround two travelers as they make their way across a remote American landscape. On the surface all seems normal, but what appears to be a simple vacation soon gives way to a dark and complex web of secrets.
“It was so good to see Alex Pettyfer trying something different in his career! His presence was so strong in this film, I would really love to see him make more movies like this. Really liked it :)”