Feel the Beat (2020)
9K Comedy Drama Family Genre Adam Christie Adam Seybold Alanna LeVierge Aminah Haghighi Brandon Kyle Goodman Brooke Henderson Carissa Lanzanderas Christopher Jones Cody Calahan Daniel Francavilla David Di Brina Deborah Jayne Reilly Smith Denise Goping Dennis Andres Donna Lynne Champlin Drew Davis Elissa Down Emily Roman Enrico Colantoni Eric Picard Glen Reid Hannah Warby Heather Dicke Karn Kalra Kate Fenton Katherine Gayle Katrina Khachi Kerstin Bradler Kyle Hytonen Mark Andrew Sirju Merle Newell Michael Armbruster Michael Francavilla Michael Lipka Nayo Nina Kiri Pamela MacDonald Paul McGinnis Rachel Sellan Rex Lee Shawn Ku Sofia Carson Sonia Laplante Timothy Ng Ty Phoenix Simpson 2020 5.4 Cody Calahan English Spain
Feel the Beat: Directed by Elissa Down. With Sofia Carson, Pamela MacDonald, Sonia Laplante, Nayo. After failing to find success on Broadway, April returns to her hometown and reluctantly is recruited to train a misfit group of young dancers for a big competition.
“I wasnu0026#39;t expecting much given some of the reviews on here but this is a pretty entertaining film.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eYes itu0026#39;s not original. Yeah it reuses a load of ideas and I felt like i had seen this before but thereu0026#39;s a bit of body horror, a bit of gore and a few jump scares.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eNot the greatest horror film ever made but no way near as bad as some of the reviews. Worth watching.”