Tom & Jerry (2021)
14K Animation Comedy Family Genre Ajay Chhabra Brian Bovell Camilla Arfwedson Chloë Grace Moretz Colin Jost David Nolan Edward Judge Janis Ahern Jerry Joe Bone Jordan Bolger Joseph Barbera Jude Coward Nicoll Ken Jeong Kevin Costello Michael Peña Pallavi Sharda Patrick Poletti Patsy Ferran Rob Delaney Somi De Souza Tim Story Tom William Hanna 2021 5.7 English Germany Tim Story
Tom u0026 Jerry: Directed by Tim Story. With Chloë Grace Moretz, Michael Peña, Tom, Jerry. A chaotic battle ensues between Jerry Mouse, who has taken refuge in the Royal Gate Hotel, and Tom Cat, who is hired to drive him away before the day of a big wedding arrives.
“Its my childhood all over again. Better than the 1992 version”