William (2019)
14K Adventure Drama Family Genre Agam Darshi Brian Johnston Brody Wilkinson Christian Convery Connor Wilkinson Ellie Harvie Finn Haney J.T. Allen Jarett John Kevin Dzah Krystle Dos Santos Lee Booker Lisa MacFadden Maria Dizzia Michael Meneer Morgan Taylor Campbell Nikolas Dukic Obada Adnan Stefania Indelicato Sydney Bell Tim Disney Will Brittain 2019 6.8 English Tim Disney United States
William: Directed by Tim Disney. With Brody Wilkinson, Connor Wilkinson, Obada Adnan, Sydney Bell. Julian Reed and Barbara Sullivan create a Neanderthal baby using ancient Neanderthal DNA from a Neanderthal bog body. William must learn to exist in a world where he is the ultimate outsider, the only Neanderthal on the planet.
“No sex or nudity in this movie. There is a scene where a lady is having a baby, nothing seen.nSome kissing, not much. A scene where sex was implied but children wonu0026#39;t catch on.nSmall bit of violence, nothing to be to concerned about.”