Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails (Video 2009)
11K Action Adventure Animation Genre Abhay Kulkarni Ajita Kulkarni Akshaya Bhingare Alam Khan Ben Small Biswa Kalyan Rath Britt Allcroft David Bedella Dharmesh Patel Gaurav Kamble Glenn Wrage Greg Tiernan Harish Kapoor Ishan Mishra Jeff Bailey Jui Pawar Jules de Jongh Keith Wickham Kerry Shale Martin Sherman Matt Wilkinson Mayank Parekh Michael Angelis Michael Brandon Mukund Pal Natraj Kurram Rahul Dey Raju Akki Raunak Bagre Rupesh Tillu Sandeep Mehta Saurav Mehta Sharon Miller Shweta Tripathi Teresa Gallagher Togo Igawa Wilbert Awdry William Hope 2009 8.4 Greg Tiernan Hindi India
Thomas u0026 Friends: Hero of the Rails: Directed by Greg Tiernan, Jeff Bailey. With Michael Angelis, Michael Brandon, David Bedella, Jules de Jongh. Thomas finds an old engine and tries to restore him without The Fat Controller finding out.
“With such a brilliant subject I am disappointed with the script framed. Could be such an interesting , funny and motivational episode but depicted so badly by the director and writer.nA negative series with a positive subject”