Deadly Signal (2016)
38K Crime Drama Genre Horror Aaron Kai Adam Rose Alex Urbom Alexander Biehn Andrew W. Walker Barbara Stepansky Brianne Davis Daniel Quinn Garrett Longley Harold Whitson Jenise Blanc Jennifer Blanc-Biehn Jennimay Walker Kellee Stewart Lony Ruhmann Lucie Pohl Mark Gantt Mitchell Fink Nikita Black Phillip Greenbaum Randy Chance Sean Hemeon Vedette Lim 2016 3.6 Brianne Davis Spain
Deadly Signal: Directed by Brianne Davis. With Vedette Lim, Andrew W. Walker, Daniel Quinn, Kellee Stewart. When a women’s husband is brutally murdered, she enlists the help of a paranormal expert to analyze strange phone calls from his phone and her investigations lead her to a group of swingers that expose her husband’s double life.
“Thereu0026#39;s only one way to put it : disturbing yet keeps you glued to your screen!”