Tod einer Stripperin (1997)
29K Action Drama Genre Thriller Andrew McCarthy Arthur M. Jolly Ben Gazzara Dare Dukes Edward Capobianco Errol Sandiford Evan Tylor Gavin Wilding Gerald Anthony Gregory Alan Williams Jason Schombing Jenny McShane Jerry Stiller John Henson John Stockwell Kevin Dillon Lawrence R. Leritz Mario Van Peebles Mark Blum P.J. Brown Pat Bermel Taylor Dayne William McNamara William Prael 1997 5.6 English Gavin Wilding Germany
Tod einer Stripperin: Directed by Gavin Wilding. With John Stockwell, Mario Van Peebles, Jerry Stiller, Gerald Anthony. Victor Mallick returned to his home and found out that all of his friends have arranged a surprise bachelor/stag party for him. Two strippers were hired to cheer up the party. However, when some of the men accidentally killed one of the strippers, they are left to face the consequences of their action.
“I thought the movie was very professionally executed, although I didnu0026#39;t care for all the violence. Enjoyed some of the performances, including Taylor Dayne u0026amp; Lawrence Leritz as the cop….I recognized him from TV shows.”