Hunted – Blutiges Geld (2020)
58K Drama Genre Thriller Ace Gibson Alan Petherick Bates Wilder Brian Duffy Caroline Portu Casey Saisi David J. Curtis David Parks Erica McDermott Gary Tanguay Jimmy Leblanc John Barr Kristen Hager Lisa Lynch Mark Sivertsen Melissa McMeekin Paul Ben-Victor Ryan Homchick Tim Smith Tom Berenger 2.3 2020 English Germany John Barr
Hunted – Blutiges Geld: Directed by John Barr. With Tom Berenger, Kristen Hager, Paul Ben-Victor, Jimmy LeBlanc. A retired veteran hunting in Northern Maine stumbles across a dead woman and a large sum of money.
“Iu0026#39;m a fan of Tom Berenger so watched the whole 85 minutes of this movie. There is little dialogue and the 5 or 6 characters (Tom included) earn their money by simply walking around in the snow and shooting at each other. Tom tries very hard to be a tired and sickly old timer, Jim Reed, but it is painful to watch this excellent actor in such a crappy role. Clint could have done this better. Heu0026#39;s older than Tom. This movie could have been edited to 60 minutes tops. Itu0026#39;s terribly tedious and slow.”