Chasing Happiness (2012)
22K Comedy Genre Andromeda Ambard Beni Atoori Catherine Christensen Cerina Vincent Claude Duhamel Danika Quinn Duncan Bravo Elisa Donovan Faramarz Assef Gloria Perez Kashmira Shah Lauren Andresen Mark Fierer Michael Atoori Philip Adkins Ryan McGee Sarg Atoori Shawn Barber Stacy Asencio Sutphen William Perrone Yasmine Ashrafi 2012 6.4 Beni Atoori English United States
Chasing Happiness: Directed by Beni Atoori. With Elisa Donovan, Kashmira Shah, Cerina Vincent, Claude Duhamel. Three sisters, a Madame, Guru and Poker Junky, desperately trying not to fall victim to their own cons, are joined by Raphael who is hell bent that the whole world revolves around his phallus, in a hilarious search for true contentment. A fun filled spoof on happiness, the Movie will shock and awe.