Wheely (2018)
43K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Armando Valdez Barbara Goodson Bill J. Gottlieb Brock Powell Carl Mendez Chris Jai Alex Diong Chae Lian Frances Lee Gavin Yap Ghafir Akbar Jay Sheldon Joe Murray Keith Brumpton Khairil Mokhzani Bahar Ogie Banks Peter Hynes Raymond Orta Tamiyka White Tamyka White Thomas Pang Yusry Abd Halim 2018 3 English Germany Yusry Abd Halim
Wheely: Directed by Yusry Abd Halim, Carl Mendez. With Barbara Goodson, Chris Jai Alex, Ogie Banks, Brock Powell. Wheely, a cabbie from the lower ranks of society, faces an uphill battle to save his dream girl from a monstrous 18-wheeler truck who is the mastermind of a luxury car-napping syndicate.
“Just like many things (Cellphones,cars,motorcycles etc.),they just tried to copy Pixaru0026#39;s Cars. But as always the original is unique,and the copy is a copy…”