1500 Steps (2014)
48K Drama Genre Adam Dear Alex Fechine Alfie Gledhill Amara Picke Colin Defries Dave Proust Dave White Diab Metry Eleeza Hooker Jack Matthews Joel Hogan Josh Reid Keith Thomas Laura Jane Benson Lianne Mackessy Maurine Gibbons Michael Wray Oliver Harris Rebecca Clay Richard Carwin Rupa Poria Vincent Jones Varga 6.1 Australia English Josh Reid
1500 Steps: Directed by Josh Reid. With Alex Fechine, Laura Jane Benson, Jack Matthews, Lianne Mackessy. 1500 Steps is a transforming journey towards self belief and brilliance. A cross between Chariots of Fire and The Karate Kid, this high school drama is set in the beautiful, Sydney, beach suburb of Cronulla.
“Bad acting.nBackground piano music much to loud – drowning out the dialogue.nThe story line left much to be desired.”