Surprise (2019)
55K Comedy Drama Genre Andy Chesters Anna Gilbert Bianca Pick Bruce Willis Charmaine Davies Clarissa Efthymiades Damien Lyne Dick Ward Emily Blunt Grace Thompson Helen Clifford Jeff Daniels Jennifer Angelier John Higgins Joseph Gordon-Levitt Kazu Hiro Mark Sparkler Mike Goodenough Nathan Robinson Nicholas Farr Paul Dano Pete Donno Peter Hewitt Rian Johnson Rosalind Hoy Samantha Brito e Cunha Sarwar Ahammed Himel Simon Hewitt Sofia Bouchaala Timothy Pearson 2019 4.2 English Peter Hewitt United Kingdom
Surprise: Directed by Peter Hewitt. With Jennifer Angelier, Sofia Bouchaala, Samantha Brito e Cunha, Andy Chesters. Mike purchases a faulty camera on the cheap to record his girlfriend’s surprise birthday party only for it to stick on record and capture a series of hilarious and at times cringe-worthy secrets from the unwitting guests.
“Genuinely funny fresh idea on the comedy genre. Sure the acting is kind of cheesy at times but itu0026#39;s bloody hilarious, with non stop quotable lines it makes for a really enjoyable watch. Definitely worth checking out.”