Paradise City (2019)
9K Drama Genre Brian J. Alvarado Chris Petrovski Christopher Tramantana Dexter Strong Geoff Lee Gordon Joseph Weiss Hassan Bradley John Marco Lopez Kareem Savinon Kent Koren Laura Kamin Leslie Lopez Masha King Mr. Dead Rajeev Dhar Robert Berlin Robert Morgan Roger Hendricks Simon Shauna Blaize Sticky Fingaz Thaddeus Street 2019 6.9 English John Marco Lopez United States
Paradise City: Directed by John Marco Lopez. With Chris Petrovski, Sticky Fingaz, Laura Kamin, Kareem Savinon. The worlds of a young cop with a checkered past, an ex-con turned devout Muslim, and a junkie with affluent roots collide in a plot to justify New York City’s counter-terrorism campaign against homegrown extremists.
“As a nyc native, it was pretty cool to see the themes in this movie played out, and the locations that were selected seemed to be researched and picked carefully for those themes. The camera shots and lighting were also a joy, gave the movie a really cool and suspenseful vibe.”