Deadly Inferno (TV Movie 2016)
17K Action Adventure Drama Genre Arwen Humphreys Ashley Treldenick Brent Cote Charlotte Arnold Christian A.V. Petrozza David Sutcliffe Ephraim Ellis Ferne Downey Greg Hovanessian Harmon Walsh Hudson Greenough Jacob Richter Jake Manley Jodie Dowdall Michael Hanrahan Michael Xavier Natalie Krill Roe Montez Stephen Bogaert Steve Boyle Suzanne Coy Zoë Belkin 2.9 2016 Brent Cote English
Deadly Inferno: Directed by Brent Cote. With David Sutcliffe, Michael Xavier, Charlotte Arnold, Jodie Dowdall. During some extensive renovations on an eight-storey office building, a major gas leak leads to a terrible explosion, trapping the injured staff in a fiery maze. Can the brave firefighters provide a safe exit from this deadly inferno?
“All Anglo cast with one minority whou0026#39;s the self sacrificing hero of the day. Big Surprise.nThe movie could have saved money by doing without the horrible acting of the main characters wife and daughter.”