The Stolen (2017)
11K Action Adventure Drama Genre Alice Eve Cohen Holloway Ella Hope-Higginson Emily Corcoran Gillian MacGregor Glen Levy Graham McTavish Grayson Hunt Urwin Herbie Berger Jack Davenport Janice Gray Lukas Hinch Michael Adams Mikaela Rüegg Niall Johnson Nick White Richard O'Brien Stan Walker Stephen Lefebvre Stig Eldred William DuFresne 2017 5.5 Niall Johnson Spanish United Kingdom
The Stolen: Directed by Niall Johnson. With Alice Eve, Graham McTavish, Jack Davenport, Richard O’Brien. The story of a woman who must find her kidnapped son, navigating a world she doesn’t know, on the edge of danger with every heartbeat.
“Dull Western set in New Zealand in which posh English woman Alice Eve joins a troop of whores in order to search for her stolen baby son. Sets that are about as realistic as a 40s Western, wafer-thin characterisations, a plot that goes nowhere for a good hour, and sub-standard acting from a host of second-tier TV actors.”