The Incredible 25th Year of Mitzi Bearclaw (2019)
44K Comedy Genre Ajuawak Kapashesit Andrew Martin Billy Merasty Bradley Trudeau Chris Farquhar Cierra Corbiere Dylan Cook Emma Morrison Gail Maurice Gary Farmer Hannah Morningstar John Clifford Talbot Ken Chubb Lindsay Sarazin Lucas Wynne Mary Abitong MorningStar Angeline Peter George Commanda Randall Becker Roseanne Supernault Shelley Niro Shirley Barrie Vance Banzo 7.5 English Shelley Niro United States
The Incredible 25th Year of Mitzi Bearclaw: Directed by Shelley Niro. With MorningStar Angeline, Andrew Martin, Ajuawak Kapashesit, Gail Maurice. Mitzi Bearclaw is an indigenous woman who reluctantly returns to her isolated reserve to help her father care for her bitter mother.