Seven Devils (2015)
39K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Alex Francis Alice Fofana Augustina Amoa Aurora Fearnley Benjamin Rider Cornelius Geaney Jr. Darren O'Connor Emily Stride Gregory Champkin Julia Papp Kim Waters Laurie Delaney Lee Peck Louise Tyler Maya Lindh Michael Luke Walsh Michelle Lehane Richard Summers-Calvert Rosalyn Mitchell Stacey Leigh Thomas Winsor 2015 7.1 Benjamin Rider English United Kingdom
Seven Devils: Directed by Benjamin Rider. With Cornelius Geaney Jr., Julia Papp, Darren O’Connor, Emily Stride. A genre-bending anthology film set around the seven deadly sins.
“Bad, bad and even worse!!! I hated everything. The stories are no note wonders. The acting (if you can call what these actors did acting) was unimaginative, uninspired and as wooden as a log cabin. Even the music was horrible. I didnu0026#39;t even like the font used for the beginning credits. Please donu0026#39;t watch this…save yourself the 90 minutes and do something more fun…like getting a root canal!!!”