The Shed (2019)
58K Drama Genre Horror Brooklyn Collier Caroline Duncan Chris Petrovski Cody Kostro Damian Norfleet Daniel Strasswyk Drew Moore Francisco Burgos Frank Sabatella Frank Whaley Jason Rice Jay Jay Warren Mu-Shaka Benson Nina Carlsen Ora Patrick Klein Sal Rendino Sean King Siobhan Fallon Hogan Sofia Happonen Timothy Bottoms Uly Schlesinger 2019 5.2 English Frank Sabatella United States
The Shed: Directed by Frank Sabatella. With Jay Jay Warren, Cody Kostro, Sofia Happonen, Frank Whaley. A hunter gets bitten by a vampire and runs into a shed to avoid sunlight. Stan, a 17 y.o. on probation, and his supervisor grandpa live next to it. Stan’s bullied high school buddy can use a monster.
“This one screened at some cool film festivals and had some cool people involved so my expectations were a little high but I was not entirely disapointed with the film. Some of it felt amateuish but other parts were quite interesting. I liked the kinda fresh take on vampire movies but felt that the bullying themes were a little on the nose and annoying.”