Honor Up (2018)
49K Action Adventure Genre Al Doe Blackface Book Boards Cam'ron Damon Dash Daniel Jenkins Danny Worthy Boards Eishia Brightwell Franchize Guyviaud Joseph Jay Black Jiton Greene Juju Kevin Bennett Murda Mook Nicholas Turturro Oschino Raquel Horn Smoke DZA Smokey Suarez Stacey Dash 2018 3.6 Damon Dash English United States
Honor Up: Directed by Damon Dash. With Damon Dash, Cam’ron, Daniel Jenkins, Murda Mook. A drug lord’s lieutenant struggles to protect his crime family and his own honor after a shootout.
“If you were expecting something along the lines of state property, paid in full , Belly etc.. This is not even on the same radar. this is an embarrassment of a u0026quot;movieu0026quot; Im also really surpised Yeezy co-signed this mess. like someone previous stated, there are hip hop music videos that have more depth, plot, acting. Oh and, expect to hear the phrase u0026quot;honor upu0026quot; in just about every other sentence. SMFH”