Nathan's Kingdom (2020)
40K Adventure Drama Genre Christabel Rivero Damien Hodge Dmitrious Bistrevsky Jacob Lince James Wadsworth John F. Henry II Jonathan Nation Katherine Robinson Laura Rosas Leigh Schindler Liz Bui Madison Ford Michael Sun Lee Michelle Ehlen Olicer J. Muñoz Paul Uipi Peter Mendoza Samuel Munoz Sarah Assumma Seth Cash Stefanie Estes 7.5 English Olicer J. Muñoz United States
Nathan’s Kingdom: Directed by Olicer J. Muñoz. With Madison Ford, Jacob Lince, Peter Mendoza, John F. Henry II. Nathan’s Kingdom is about a young autistic man (Nathan) struggling with his teenage opiate-addicted sister (Laura), and together they risk their lives to find a fictitious kingdom with the potential of changing their lives forever.
“Watching the movie I was so disappointed that I created my account on IMDb just to let other people know that it was total waste of time!! Nothing really happened even in the end!!”