Heaven Knows What (2014)
26K Crime Drama Genre Aaron Keller Alan Aisenberg Arielle Holmes Benjamin Hampton Benny Safdie Brendan Burke Brian Hodges Buddy Duress Caleb Landry Jones Dash Privlej Diana Singh Eden Malyn Eleonore Hendricks Eric Ross Isaac Adams Jimmy Gary Jr. Josh Safdie Laverne Cox Manny Aguila Maynard Nicholl Michael Kaufman Mike Patellis Misty Mccall Necro Rik Letendre Ronald Bronstein Russell James Peters Yuri Pleskun 2014 6.9 Benny Safdie English Germany
Heaven Knows What: Directed by Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie. With Arielle Holmes, Caleb Landry Jones, Buddy Duress, Necro. A young woman struggles to reconcile her love for her boyfriend and for heroin, as she finds out that suicide is the only way for her boyfriend to forgive her for her misdeed.
“The story in itself is very disturbing. I had to say these actors did a sensational job. I felt like I was there living on the streets with them. They were extremely convincing.”