Demons from Her Past (TV Movie 2007)
45K Crime Drama Genre Mystery Alexandra Paul Bob McFarland Brad Frye Brendon Chase Brick Rage Caitlin Mulqueen Christine Conradt Christopher Boyer Christopher Livingston Claude Huard Curtis Dickie Cynthia Gibb Daryl Haney Dave Payne Doug Mackey Douglas Jackson Ira Mensur Janet Lane John Ralston Judy Marshak Julie Baltay Karen Stone Kate Derrick Kate Drummond Kathy Logan Kevin Jubinville Linda L. Miller Lisa Boyle Lori Beth Jacobs Mark Driscoll Marv Wolf Mary Weinstein Michael O'Reilly Michael Woods Milan Zivkovic Pamela Pond Paul Finnigan Rob Stewart Roy Boesch Sasha Gil Sophie Gendron Steven McPhail Suzanne Wouk Toni Laurence 2007 4 Dave Payne English United States
Demons from Her Past: Directed by Douglas Jackson. With Alexandra Paul, Michael Woods, Cynthia Gibb, Rob Stewart. A woman returns to her hometown after 25 years, to attend her Grandmother’s funeral and to prove that others were responsible for a crime that she was convicted of when she was 18 and spent 3-years in prison.
“u0026quot;Concealed Weaponsu0026quot; has everything from guns and knives to cool action sequences and fight scenes. However, this movie is not for the easily scared! I gave this movie a definite 10 for all the hard work that the producer put into this movie so all the good parts to have a good thriller come together in perfect harmony!”