The Devil We Know (2018)
56K Documentary Genre Bernard Reilly Bruce Karrh Bucky Bailey Charles Holliday Darlene Kiger George Kennedy Glenn Evers Harry Dietzler Jeremy Seifert Joe Kiger John Bowman Kathleen Forte Ken Cook Ken Wamsley Melinda Bailey Mike Papantonio Rob Bilott Robert Rickard Sharon Lerner Stephanie Soechtig Sue Bailey Wilbur Tennant 2018 7.6 Germany Stephanie Soechtig
The Devil We Know: Directed by Stephanie Soechtig, Jeremy Seifert. With Sue Bailey, Bucky Bailey, Ken Wamsley, Wilbur Tennant. A group of citizens in West Virginia challenges a powerful corporation to be more environmentally responsible.
“All I can say is Dupont should be shut down completely for this disaster. It doesnt matter what u0026quot;goodu0026quot; the company does when it is responsible for this level of destruction. Just unbelievable they are still making these chemicals… Can almost guarantee this show will piss you off but I strongly urge you watch it. It changed my life about using Teflon in anything. Saying this is a travesty is a vast understatement… Crikey”