Made in Abyss: Hôrô Suru Tasogare (2019)
55K Adventure Animation Fantasy Genre Aki Toyosaki Akihito Tsukushi Arisa Maesako Eri Kitamura Inori Minase Kaori Motoyama Maaya Sakamoto Manami Numakura Mariya Ise Masayuki Kojima Miki Egoshi Miyu Tomita Mutsumi Tamura Natsuki Natsuko Hara Nodoka Hasegawa Sayaka Ôhara Sena Shoji Shinji Kawada Shiori Izawa Toshiyuki Morikawa Yoshimitsu Shimoyama 2019 8.1 Japan Japanese Masayuki Kojima
Made in Abyss: Hôrô Suru Tasogare: Directed by Masayuki Kojima. With Miyu Tomita, Mariya Ise, Shiori Izawa, Eri Kitamura. After departing from Ozen’s camp, Riko and Reg continue their journey, encountering more dangers as they descend further into the Abyss.
“With a grand and intriguing worldview of much potential of development, the series felt empty and wandering. Limited character development and weird motives raised questions during the viewing experience, which surely affected the overall picture. Devotion to shotacon and lolicon also stood in the way of the tone and character development. Still, the enchanting world of the abyss itself would be able to draw in many audience.”