Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
39K Action Adventure Genre Alicia Borrachero Arnold Schwarzenegger Billy Ray David S. Goyer Diego Boneta Diego Martínez Enrique Arce Ferran Fernández Fraser James Gabriel Luna Justin Rhodes Karen Gagnon Kevin Medina Linda Hamilton Mackenzie Davis Manuel Pacific Matt Devere Natalia Reyes Pedro Rudolphi Steven Cree Tim Miller Tom Hopper Tomás Álvarez Tristán Ulloa 2019 6.3 English Germany Tim Miller
Terminator: Dark Fate: Directed by Tim Miller. With Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes. An augmented human and Sarah Connor must stop an advanced liquid Terminator from hunting down a young girl, whose fate is critical to the human race.
“Great action scenes. And the rest is pathetic. The new terminator made a few jokes. – really? The latino girl character is SO dull and such a cliche. I am so disappointed. This is nothing like T1 and T2. When you have all the tools and resources to make it work and all you do is produce this FAILURE.nSHAME!”