Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin VI – Rise of the Red Comet (2018)
66K Action Animation Drama Genre Aaron Dismuke Adam Gibbs Ai Kayano Akeno Watanabe Aki Toyosaki Amber Lee Connors Anthony Bowling Asuka Konno Ayumi Fujimura Banjô Ginga Daisuke Sakaguchi Dawn Michelle Bennett Ethan Gallardo Felecia Angelle Hideki Nakanishi Hiroko Utsumi Hiroshi Naka Honobu Yonezawa Jessica Cavanagh Jin Urayama Katsuyuki Sumizawa Kazuya Ichijô Ken Narita Ken'ichirô Matsuda Kenta Miyake Kira Buckland Megumi Han Miou Tanaka Misato Fukuen Morgan Berry Ricco Fajardo Satomi Arai Satomi Sato Shiori Mikami Shûichi Ikeda Takashi Imanishi Takumi Yamazaki Tetsuya Kakihara Tia Lynn Ballard Tôru Furuya Toshihide Tsuchiya Toshio Furukawa Yasuhiro Takemoto Yoshikazu Yasuhiko Yui Ogura Yûichi Nakamura 2018 8.3 Hiroko Utsumi Japan Japanese
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin VI – Rise of the Red Comet: Directed by Takashi Imanishi, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko. With Shûichi Ikeda, Megumi Han, Jin Urayama, Banjô Ginga. Char gets promoted to a commander with the honorary title of the Red Comet by his action in the Battle of Loum. General Revil is taken prisoner in the battle. Amuro has a desire to know what his father is creating.