Street Fighter II – The Animated Movie (1994)
46KStreet Fighter II – The Animated Movie: Directed by Gisaburô Sugii. With Kôjiro Shimizu, Kenji Haga, Miki Fujitani, Masane Tsukayama. Based on the legendary video game series. This anime classic follows Ryu, a talented fighter who may be the greatest in all of the world, and Bison, the evil mastermind searching for Ryu’s talents.
“I am a big fan of the Street Fighter II video games. If anyone wanted an alternate source for the title other than the game and the live action movie then this is your great alternative! All of the classic characters are in it! M. Bison, Ryu, Ken, Blanka, Zangief, T. Hawk, Chun-Li, Sagat, Vega, Guile, E. Honda, Fei Long, Dhalsim, Cammy, DeeJay, Vega, and Balrog! In My opinion all of the characters look exactly like they do in the video game. The male characters look super and the female fighters look absolutely gorgeous! The animation is so crisp and clean! I have read that are two versions but I have seen the American version. This film may not be suitable for youngsters because of the minor language such as u0026quot;hellu0026quot; and u0026quot;damnu0026quot; and blood coming from the charactersu0026#39; wounds. Another is a very surprising scene where Chun-Li is taking a shower and then she puts on a night gown type shirt and some underwear and when she fights Vega you see this and even though that this may be uncalled for in an animated feature but I thought it was cute and animated very realistically. More on that in a second. Another thing was the music. Really music though out the entire film! M. Bison and his men were really introduced properly. It was like this was a real movie. One thing to explain is when Chun-Li was in her apartment minding her own business after she got out of the shower and Vega just came barging in. I really liked the fight between Chun-Li and Vega! That scene was really animated well. Another is near the end when M. Bison, Ryu, and Ken are fighting. I believe that the fight scenes in this feature are some of the greatest fight scenes Iu0026#39;ve seen and Iu0026#39;m commenting on an animated movie! The fighting in the animated feature is simply amazing and I really liked how realistic everything was! If you like the Street Fighter II video games and the Street Fighter live action movie with Jean Claude-Van Damme and the late great Raul Julia (which by the way I think Juliau0026#39;s role as M. Bison was arguably his greatest ever!) then I strongly recommend that you watch this movie now!”