Day Out of Days (2015)
15K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Alexia Landeau Bonnie Burroughs Callum Joyce Cameron Britton Cheyenne Jackson Chris Brenner Eddie Izzard Frank Ferruccio Guy Burnet Isaac Harrison Laurene Landon Leah Haley Liz Carey Matt Letscher Matty Goldberg Maya McLaughlin Melanie Griffith Myndy Crist Sheila Jenkins Vincent Kartheiser Zoe R. Cassavetes 2015 4 English United States Zoe R. Cassavetes
Day Out of Days: Directed by Zoe R. Cassavetes. With Alexia Landeau, Melanie Griffith, Chris Brenner, Cameron Britton. In Los Angeles, a 40-year-old actress works to make it in the cutthroat business of Hollywood while contending with ever-youthful competition.
“This movie is a waste of time, not even a good watch if youu0026#39;re bored. Horrible, just horrible. Youu0026#39;ve been warned! It was slow, but I thought it was going to build into something, it didnu0026#39;t. The movie just ends abruptly. This movie is labeled a thriller, drama, mystery. I wasnu0026#39;t thrilled and the mystery is what happened to the rest of the movie?”