Ein ungleiches Paar (2003)
37K Action Comedy Genre Thriller A. Russell Andrews Aaron Abrams Albert Brooks Andrew Bergman Andrew Fleming Boyd Banks Ed Solomon Emmy Laybourne Lindsay Sloane Maria Ricossa Matt Birman Michael Bodnar Michael Douglas Nat Mauldin Novie Edwards Richard Waugh Robin Tunney Ryan Reynolds Sergio Di Zio Susan Aceron Tamara Gorski Tamara Levitt Tseng Chang Vladimir Radian 2003 6.5 Andrew Fleming English Germany
Ein ungleiches Paar: Directed by Andrew Fleming. With Michael Douglas, Michael Bodnar, Vladimir Radian, Robin Tunney. Right before his daughter’s wedding, a mild-mannered foot doctor discovers that his future son-in-law’s father is a free-wheeling international spy.
“I wasnt excepting a good movie after seeing it flop and the boxoffice and hearing the reviews that people saying about the movie. But I personally loved it. Its a cute little movie that deserves much more credit then it got. I recommend this movie to everyone. I give this 4/5 stars”