Die Winzlinge – Abenteuer in der Karibik (2018)
46K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre André Caron Bô Gaultier de Kermoal Bruno Salomone Christelle Gasiglia Franck Benezech Guillaume Gallo-Manrique Hélène Giraud Huifang Liu Jacqueline Beretti Jean Nanga Jean-Paul Guyon Joseph Hoang Juanita Cassiet Laurence Laouadi Laurens Ehrmann Luc Morvan Ruwan Aerts Sarah Cohen-Hadria Stefan Liégeois Stéphane Coulon Thierry Frémont Thomas Szabo 2018 7.2 French Germany Hélène Giraud
Die Winzlinge – Abenteuer in der Karibik: Directed by Hélène Giraud, Thomas Szabo. With Bruno Salomone, Thierry Frémont, Stéphane Coulon, Jean Nanga. When the first snow falls in the valley, it is urgent to prepare its reserves for the winter. Alas, during the operation, a small ladybug is trapped in a box – to the Caribbean. One solution: reform the shock team.
“This animation is highly recommended for all ages to watch. Everything is very good, from the story, even the graphics are amazing with really good tone.”