English Dogs (2020)
43K Action Crime Genre Thriller Byron Gibson Damian Mavis David Blazejko David Gadsby Dean Alexandrou Eddie J. Briton Eoin O'Brien Gerard Coville Jimmy Rhys Jones Juliya Lein Karen Gemma Dodgson Leigh Barwell Marcelo Tenório Mark Stas Merle Alexandra Paul Bowden Ploy Malaiwongs Robin Corbett Ron Smoorenburg Shaun Boland Taffy Edwards 2020 5.2 English Taffy Edwards United Kingdom
English Dogs: Directed by Taffy Edwards. With Byron Gibson, Ron Smoorenburg, Leigh Barwell, Eoin O’Brien. In the streets of Thailand, a trail of destruction and mayhem ensues when a notorious soldier (Byron Gibson) and criminal kickboxer (Ron Smoorenburg) join forces to become the biggest illegal steroid supplier in Asia.
“Great little indie flick. I wanted to see more. Bloody good sounds too. I know these guys in Bkk and good luck to them. They put their money where their mouth is and made a feature and not a short. Long may they reign. See you at my bar chaps you can use it for no2. You need any help contact me!”