Mother of the Year (TV Movie 2017)
59K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Aaron Johnson Ariadne Joseph Brett Baker Charlie Elizabeth Hillis David A Cole Delondra Mesa Denzel Johnson Donterrius Ruff Escalante Lundy Heather Campos Jamie Gliddon Jose Montesinos Josh Carpenter Joy Christie Di Cresce Llewyn Intriago Rachel G. Whittle Raylee Magill Rhianna Van Helton Sherri Eakin Tenea Intriago Terese Aiello Tony Beard Vanessa Padla 2017 7 English Jose Montesinos United States
Mother of the Year: Directed by Jose Montesinos. With Rachel G. Whittle, Terese Aiello, David A Cole, Tenea Intriago. A young couple buy their dream home in New Orleans, only to be tormented by an obsessive mother who believes the house should be hers.
“This is the best movie to fall asleep to. I start watching it and immediately feel like I took a sleeping pill. The acting is bad, the flyovers are overused and the story is unbelievable. I know itu0026#39;s based on true events, but this has to be exaggerated.”