Heavenly Deposit (2019)
28K Drama Genre Alisa Reyes Alisha Seaton Barry Van Dyke Benjamin A. Onyango Bonnie Hellman Chalet Lizette Brannan Christina Palacios Danny Del Toro Ella Joyce Frank Ashmore George Vincent John Savage Kristina Denton Lisa K. Wyatt Marabina Jaimes Meredith Thomas Michael Graham Peter Jason Rick Irvin Sonny Saito 2019 6.8 English Rick Irvin United States
Heavenly Deposit: Directed by Rick Irvin, George Vincent. With John Savage, Barry Van Dyke, Peter Jason, Ella Joyce. A faithless man finds himself carrying the weight of the world until a divine experience changes his life and he cannot deny the power of God.
“The story is credible and acting well done for the first half. The second half not so good. Vincent and Denton are credible and convincing.”