Saras Tagebuch (2018)
57K Adventure Drama Genre Mystery Alex Trebek Alfredo Araoz Armando Jerez Astrid Jones Belén Rueda Bella Agossou Djédjé Apali Enrico Lo Verso Florin Opritescu Iván Mendes Johnny Gilbert Jorge Guerricaechevarría Kevin McCarthy Luis Dyangani Malcolm Treviño-Sitté Manolo Cardona María Luisa Mayo Marian Álvarez Marta Belaustegui Nick Devlin Norberto López Amado Rafa Rojas-Díez Ramón Barea Santiago Adán Tim Verardi 2018 5.2 Norberto López Amado Spain Spanish
Saras Tagebuch: Directed by Norberto López Amado. With Belén Rueda, Marian Álvarez, Iván Mendes, Manolo Cardona. A Spanish woman travels to darkest heart of Africa looking for her long-time missed younger sister.
“The critics may be right that much of the story is unrealistic, and I agree the protagonist never would have survived any part of the trek sheu0026#39;s on. But still it is well acted with some enjoyable supportive actors, especially the actor who plays the woman who saves her life and the young man who plays Jamir-whou0026#39;s actually the best thing about the whole film.”