Garfield: Der Film (2004)
9K Animation Comedy Family Genre Alec Sokolow Ben Kronen Bill Hoag Bill Murray Breckin Meyer Daamen J. Krall Evan Arnold Eve Brent Fabio Serafini Jennifer Love Hewitt Jerry Hauck Jim Davis Joel Cohen Juliette Goglia Mark Christopher Lawrence Mel Rodriguez Michael Monks Peter Hewitt Randee Reicher Rufus Gifford Ryan McKasson Stephen Tobolowsky Susan Moore Vanessa Campbell 2004 5 English Germany Peter Hewitt
Garfield: Der Film: Directed by Peter Hewitt. With Breckin Meyer, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Stephen Tobolowsky, Bill Murray. Jon Arbuckle buys a second pet, a dog named Odie. However, Odie is then abducted and it is up to Jon’s cat, Garfield, to find and rescue the canine.
“Truly a masterpiece of film. I liked the part where Garfield are the lasagna”