Oh Lucy! (2017)
29K Comedy Drama Genre Atsuko Hirayanagi Boris Frumin Calvin C. Winbush Eddie Hassell Hajime Inoue Hiroaki Miyagawa Josh Hartnett Kaho Minami Kimie Tanaka Kôji Yakusho Leni Ito Liz Bolton Megan Mullally Miyoko Yamaguchi Nick Gracer Noelani Dacascos Reiko Aylesworth Shinobu Terajima Shioli Kutsuna Stefanie Arianne Todd Giebenhain Tre Hale 2017 7.1 Atsuko Hirayanagi English Japan
Oh Lucy!: Directed by Atsuko Hirayanagi. With Shinobu Terajima, Josh Hartnett, Kaho Minami, Kôji Yakusho. A lonely woman living in Tokyo decides to take an English class where she discovers her alter ego, Lucy.
“Charming story about two sisters adventure going to America from Japan. The cultural differences and what drives them. The main character Setsuko is loveable as her alter ego Lucy who chases after life instead of being trodden on by it.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eNot an action movie but a sweet tale definitely worth a look for itu0026#39;s raw view of life in all the shades of good and bad.”