Haymaker (2021)
26K Action Drama Genre Abby Coryell Alexander Chang Ariel Ash Demis Araniadis Eddie Cuello James Ferris Jay Bulger Jonas Cohen Jose Fernando Cavazos Kasem Bunsong Ken Gibson Lorenzo Diaz Martine Gutierrez Matthew Deane Chanthavanij Natalie Chang Nick Sasso Nina Foskolou Suchai Haiprakhon Veronica Falcón Yesenia Cabrero Zoë Bell 2021 3.8 English Nick Sasso United States
Haymaker: Directed by Nick Sasso. With Demis Araniadis, Ariel Ash, Zoë Bell, Jay Bulger. Haymaker follows a retired Muay Thai fighter (Sasso) working as a bouncer, who rescues an alluring transgender performer (Ruiz) from a nefarious thug, eventually becoming her bodyguard, protector, and confidant. The relationship leads Sasso’s character to make an unexpected return to fighting, risking not only his relationship, but his life. Its a story about human dignity and love.
“This movie is not about Muay Thai. However the depth of character the main actors achieved is somewhat surprising.”