Manhattan Undying (2016)
30K Drama Genre Mystery Romance Al McFoster Babak Payami Bonnie Siu Brendee Green Brianna Goldie Bridget Graham Christopher Jacot Daniel Kash David Bronfman Earl Pastko Harry Judge Lizz Alexander Luke Grimes Manuel Rodriguez-Saenz Matt Deller Milton Barnes Mouna Traoré Noah Dalton Danby October Gonzalez Rachael Ray Samara Stern Sarah Roemer Sean-Michael Touchie Tony Gonzalez Vanessa Lai Fox 2016 4.6 Babak Payami English United States
Manhattan Undying: Directed by Babak Payami. With Luke Grimes, Sarah Roemer, Christopher Jacot, Mouna Traoré. A vampire seeks out an artist to paint her a portrait so that she can see her image for the first time.
“Good story and cast. Itu0026#39;s not like other movies itu0026#39;s completely different story of a Vampire and an artist.”