37 seconds (2019)
39K Drama Genre Eita Okuno Haruka Imô Hikari Kiyohiko Shibukawa Kôtarô Torii Makiko Watanabe Mei Kayama Minori Hagiwara Misuzu Kanno Moctar Diouf Nanami Kawakami Nobu Morimoto Seiko Ozone Shizuka Ishibashi Shôhei Uno Shunsuke Daitô Takashi Kawaguchi Toshinori Omi Yoshihiko Kumashino Yuka Itaya Yuri Ono 372019 6.8 Hikari Japan Japanese
37 seconds: Directed by Hikari. With Makiko Watanabe, Nanami Kawakami, Shunsuke Daitô, Mei Kayama. Yuma is a young Japanese woman who suffers from cerebral palsy. Torn between her obligations towards her family and her dream to become a manga artist, she struggles to lead a self-determined life.
“What a remarkable movie. The story was told so well and successful that viewers like me are taken into the journey with Yuma. The whole film was just super successful in telling the story of a young woman with Cerebral Palsy, portrayed Buy a real life girl with the same condition. It was heartbreaking and heart warming. i recommend”