Dreamland (2019)
43K Drama Genre Thriller Andy Kastelic Christopher Hagen Darby Camp Finn Cole Garrett Hedlund Ginger T. Rex Grayson Berry Hans Christopher Jane Wilson Jason Weiler Joe Berryman Kerry Condon Lola Kirke Margot Robbie Miles Joris-Peyrafitte Nicolaas Zwart Pab Schwendimann Paul Blott Stephen Dinh Steve Hickman Tim D. Janis Travis Fimmel 2019 6.7 English Germany Miles Joris-Peyrafitte
Dreamland: Directed by Miles Joris-Peyrafitte. With Finn Cole, Margot Robbie, Travis Fimmel, Kerry Condon. A teenager’s adventures as a bounty hunter take an unexpected twist.
“The film was beautiful and the acting was also beautiful and the director played a nice role in this film, but the story and writing could have been better, but the film in general was beautiful and I nominated Margot Robbie for the Oscar. Her acting was wonderful.”